I spend a great deal of time on the internet and as I am on it quite often what I’ve discovered is that the internet seems to be obsessed with is discovering every single dirty secret a person might have, exposing them, and holding it over their heads. Someone is uninformed and accidentally says something offensive, the internet automatically jumps on them acting as though they committed some unforgivable crime. I think we are sometimes really tough on people, we jump on every fault we see. Why do people do this, does it make us feel better about ourselves? As I am an extremely defensive person who sometimes does not respond well to criticism, I thought it would be prudent to be open and honest early on; So, before this gets too far, I want to confess…I’m problematic. I’m not vegan, which some people would claim is problematic in and of itself, and I’m not really vegetarian either and while some people may claim that that is horrible and promotes animal cruelty, I’ve never conside